Lifelong Learning Services


Our company has more than 100 training programs leading to certification, acquiring more and more, thus following the requirements and needs of the market. There is an abundance of modules to choose from suitable for all levels and according to the needs of each learner, depending on the level of specialization he or she wants or needs. Our many years of experience combined with our geographical location, given that the distribution of trainees of voucher and community programmes is done on a regional basis, it is worth noting that our company trains 80% of them


Supporting companies in investment programs (European or NSRF), undertaking the drafting of the proposal, and monitoring its implementation, as well as undertaking the restructuring & modernization of the company.


Training programmes are divided into two categories:

  • Self-financed training for individuals, companies, enterprises, local authorities, organizations training either for themselves or for their staff, such as security seminars, ECDL, Energy Inspectors, Safety Technicians, Hellenic Food Authority, first aid, etc.
  • Funded programmes for unemployed persons registered with the DYPA (VOUCHER, KOINOFELES).

The training of those interested is carried out:

  • In the specially designed rooms available on our premises or in third party rooms.
  • Through synchronous distance training (the trainee participates in a videoconference with the trainer and the other trainees of the department).
  • Through asynchronous distance learning (the trainee studies the training material posted on the course page on his/her own time).

Regarding the certification, the trainee obtains a certificate of attendance upon completion of the course and, if he/she passes the exams, he/she receives the Certificate of Qualification. Regarding the certification, the trainee obtains a certificate of attendance upon completion of the course and, if he/she passes the exams, he/she receives the Certificate of Qualification.

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